Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Week Camp: FEEL the Love!

 Welcome to Valentine's Weekend Kids' Camp!
 Including pizza, crafts, and a Dr. Suess movie night at the end to wind down :)

 Air hockey, always a hit!

 Our Thomas the Tank Engine and Princess puzzles were also a hit! So fun!
 being tackled!!

 Super cute Valentine crafts kept most of the kids super busy :)

 The little lady snacked on the melting chocolates, the pink rice krispie treats and visited the dog :)

Delish pink, strawberry flavored marshmallows made this yummy...not to mention drizzling it with white chocolate. Way to go, Maddie!


Take home goody bags!
With red and pink lollipops that we made
and a strawberry/pink rice krispie treat that Maddie made beforehand.

Monday, December 10, 2012

HoLiDaY CaMpS!!! Ho HO Ho!!

 December 2012: Holiday Camps Begin!
 These are some CUTE kids!! 
Maddie loves this bunch of neighborhood kids!!

 Crafts, coloring and Christmas Trees!

 Playing WinterTime Dress ups!

 Loving these faces!!!

 and they all went down for "a long winter's nap!"

Friday, November 30, 2012

Discovery Kids Camp: Utah Session! All BOYS!

This week we had ALL BOYS and it got a little crazy! ;)
 We started downstairs:
 Air hockey
magnetic darts

 basketball hoops

 piggy back rides with Maddie

Upstairs Events:
Making treats!! 

 Art work

Baking Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins!

Some yoga moves :)

We saved the best for last:
(See Dr. Suess for details)

 It's a "solid" when you pick it up
then it turns to "liquid" when you hold it still
and it washes right off with water. 
Not sticky or gooey
 For a fun afternoon and easy clean up
(I promise)
1 cup cornstarch to appros 3/4 c. water

The muffins are done!!

Here's our cute group of wild monkeys! 
WE had a BLAST!!